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Open Call for virtual exhibitions

(Please read carefully through!)


About our virtual exhibitions:


Everyone is welcome to apply, regardless of your background and stage of career.

Submission is always free, and only after we send you a confirmation, you will be asked to pay a participation fee.

With each exhibition you will automatically be considered for our prizes! (1st place: free solo virtual exhibition, 2nd place: free virtual group show,)

Please note that there are several options you can choose from to offer you the best and most suitable package of your choice.

Our virtual exhibitions will run for at least one month. The open call is ongoing, and you can apply any time.

We accept all kinds of art except video.


Theme for the upcoming virtual exhibition: Dreamscapes & Dream States

Send us your work centered around the theme of "Dreamscapes & Dream States"! The exhibition will run through April and May!

Deadline: April 13


Your benefits:


The exhibition will be accessible for everyone around the world 24h for one whole month.

You can win one of our prizes!

The exhibition will be promoted on various channels (our website, social media, art.spaces, newsletter) to gain maximum exposure and reach as many people as possible.  

100% of any possible sales will go to the artist.

You can save transportation costs, time-consuming handling, and packing, as well as possible damage that might occur during a physical exhibition.

You can add the exhibition to your portfolio.

Submitting is always free: you only pay if we confirm your submission and therefore no money is thrown out the window!

You can combine the virtual exhibition with a feature in the magazine and/or an exclusive interview (see options below).


How to apply:


IMPORTANT: Always submit first (free submission) till we get back at you!​


- send 6 of your best artworks in good quality and high res

- resolution and size must be between 72dpi and 300dpi and 3- 4 mb in jpeg. format (no larger than 5 mb please!),

no larger than 4000px on each side

- name your files: firstname_lastname_titleartwork_price (price in €)

- send a statement max. 200 words and your social media links/ website

- describe 2 of your artworks in detail (meaning, process, inspiration), max. 150 words each (only for the magazine feature option)

- send the text as doc. file or include it into the body of the e-mail (no pdfs please!)


- send your submission link via wetransfer or a google drive link to:

- DON'T send us your pictures via e-mail attachment! 




Option 1: virtual online exhibition & magazine feature & exclusive interview (58€)


-        virtual online exhibition for 1 month

-        potential sales go 100% to the artist

-        two or more of your artworks will be chosen for the virtual exhibition

-        feature in the magazine with one or more pages (and the chance to be chosen on the cover pages by the editor)

-        extensive interview which will be permanently on our website & promoted

-        extensive promotion on social media and other channels

IMG_20230921_122936117-01 (1).jpg

Option 2: virtual online exhibition & magazine feature (47€)


-        see all of the above mentioned, except for the interview


Option 3: virtual online exhibition (25€)


-        see all of the above mentioned, except for the interview & magazine


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Thank you!

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